More on the small lounge

From Night-Shade
Revision as of 13:24, 5 December 2013 by Dad (talk | contribs)
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  • The french windows and terrace area are new (February 2013) and make this room the lightest in the cottage.
  • The orange sofa makes up into a comfortable bed; bedding is in the chest. The stairs can be curtained off to give reasonable, but not complete, privacy.
  • The new (November 2010) cupboards under the stairs provide some hanging space.
  • Power fluctuations sometimes cause the internet to go down; restoring it is usually easy, but please contact one of the Fletchers before attempting this. It is being particularly temperamental at present (February 2013) but efforts are under way to sort this out.
  • There are instructions &c. for gadgets and spare light bulbs &c. in the bureau.
  • Feel free to use the telephone; there is an honesty box adjacent.
  • The inglenook has been replastered and the small wood-burning stove is newly installed (February 2013). It is very small and hence tricky to get going, which we have not quite mastered as yet. So far our advice is to start with firelighters and a small amount of kindling. Once that has ignited add more kindling and allow this to burn to glowing ashes. Then add one small log and wait for it to get going before adding anything bigger. The main issues appear to be the need to drive the column of cold air out of the chimney when starting the fire which firelighters do far more effectively than paper. Then it is important to remember the relatively small thermal capacity of the firebox and the fire so avoid cooling it down too much by adding large or damp logs. The logs stored in the inglenook are the driest we can find so use those on this stove.